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Itinerary for JACLaS International Symposia 2024
Call for Abstracts:
Overseas doctors are welcome to submit their abstract in English towards The 56th Annual Meeting of the Japan Association for Clinical Laboratory Science.
Category available for submission
Please download the abstract submission form below, fill in the fields required and submit your data to the meeting secretariat (
by Monday, May 24th, 2024.
・Abstract body must be within 1,800 single-byte characters
・Please use font size 12 / font color black
・Please make sure to include your own name in the file name (e.g. John Apple_abstract.docx)
COI disclosure:
Leading (corresponding) author / author responsible of the presentation require their COI disclosed.
If your abstract is accepted and you will be presenting in the meeting, please download the PowerPoint file below and fill in the information, and include it in your presentation slide.
Information on COI disclosure (in Japanese language only):
Guide to JACLaS International Award
Due to popular demand, we have extended the abstract submission deadline until May 17th.